Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Why do all the tv shows I really like get cancelled in one season?

Or, alternately, why do I like such weird stuff that no one else wants to watch it?

It's hard being me.


Aaron Traas said...

I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.

Hilary Jane Margaret White said...


I hate Joss Whedon.

hyoomik said...

I loved that series, china-towns and the old-west in outerspace. Then one character returns in the Sarah Connor Chronicles, which is another that left us hanging in the last episode.

Rick said...

So no more runnin'. I aim to misbehave.

I miss that show.

Anonymous said...

Every show Summer Glau has appeared on (four and counting) has been cancelled prematurely. Some people - myself included - have joked about how she's bad luck.