So, at that meeting Imanaged to weasel out ofsadly was unable to attend last month in Ontario, it was decided that would start up a group blog for our writers to give us even MORE space on the net tosay what we really thinkeducate and enlighten the public.
And we've got a little thing going on the LSN intra-net about what to call it, and honestly, the offerings so far have left me kind of flat.
Now, while I'm the first to admit that I'm the world's worst name-thinker-upper, every now and then, sometimes something pops in there and I'm surprised. So, I'm not giving up hope that I'll come up suddenly with a real corker. My blogs have mostly been "Catholic" oriented until this one, so I went for really obvious Catholic-themed names like FiatMihi and The Devout Life, so not a lot of imagination was needed. Latin is always impressive, or was.
I think "Orwell's Picnic" was pretty good, and it seems to have been more or less branded now so other people seem to like it. But it was a fluke. I was intending to do more Orwell-related stuff when I started this, but it just morphed naturally back into me ranting about things and making dumb jokes, and so it lost most of it's Georgeness. "Liveblogging the apocalypse" as a sub-head was all mine and I'm still pretty happy with it.
So, what I mean is, I'm not really one to count on for names of things. All through my childhood my bears were always named "Bear" and all my dollies were "Dolly". I'm amazed that Winnie ended up with a real name, since most of the time I address her as "Hey fuzz-brain" or "move, cat". (Which is OK, since I think she thinks my name is "Get out of my chair, monkey".)
Anyway, if anyone can think of a great name for the new group writers' blog, drop a note in the commbox. All submissions, no matter how sarcastic are welcome and the winning title gets...
a mention.
If people need to go the Latin route: "Contradicitur."
"Saint Boniface's Axe."
Or St. Boniface's Stump. Stump has a nice blogging sound - there might even be a pun in there.
The Counternihilist
The Merry Counternihilist
The Merry Counternihilists
Breaking Open The Gulag
Death Of Death ((and
Hell's Destruction
Land Me Safe On Canaan's Side))
Tu Conversus Vivificabis Nos
Donum Vitae?
how 'bout
"The World Today: Worse that it was; not as bad as it's going to get."
Or, as a motto:
"LifeSiteNews: We're not officially Catholic; but then neither is the Church's episcopacy."
"The World Today: Worse that it was; not as bad as it's going to get."
Heh. Reminds me of an exchange in Cheers.
Sam: "How ya doin', Norm?"
Norm: "Oh, every day a little better than the next."
In the same vein as immediately above:
"E-pistles from Bedlam."
Elige Vitam?
Now we're cookin...
in fact, I think I want to start some of these blogs myself.
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