Thursday, April 03, 2008

Blair's Witch Project

Reason 569,309 I don't attend "mass" in any "Catholic" "church" in this country.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor hit out at representatives of an "aggressive secularism" that he believes is gaining ground in the UK, defended the Catholic Church's combative intervention last week in the debate over "hybrid" embryos, and argued that Christian leaders should hold a privileged position over the representatives of other faiths when it came to their input into public policy.


Which kind of "Christian leaders" are we talking about, exactly?

This kind, perhaps?

A small correction, however, seems to be in order in the Guardian's coverage.

"It will be the first public statement on faith by the former prime minister since he stepped down in July and converted to Catholicism."

Blair in fact, has shown not the slightest indication of wanting to become a Catholic. He has not "converted to Catholicism"; he was received into the Church by a man who shows few symptoms himself.


J D Carriere said...

Really, you're still not going to Mass? Would you just get on that already? I'm going to hell and I have no intention of spending eternity with you. Seriously, I'm not saving you a seat.

Hilary Jane Margaret White said...

Well, until yesterday, I would have countered that there isn't one to go to. The situation in Britain is quite different from what it is in Canadia.

But yesterday something developed and we will be having one Mass a month right here in our very own little village.

Hilary Jane Margaret White said...

and another thing, Carriere,

don't you phone me back until you have a cat name suggestion for me.