Someone asked me, 'Why the tag for cloning posts is "saturnalia"?'
Saturn (Chronos) was one of the elder gods. It was prophesied that the only way Chronos would lose his power was when one of his children would depose him. To prevent this from happening, each time his wife Rhea delivered a child Cronus would immediately devour it.
Thus, saturnalia, a wild debauched party in which we consume our own children in order to maintain our own power.
The Saturnalia were also a wild debauched religious festival from 17-23 of December, when master became slave, slave master, and everybody run amock. Ultimately it had a catechetical value; See what happens when we don't behave, know our place, and wait our turn in line? Chaos. Therefore, be a good slave the rest of the year.
...and subvert the natural and God-given order of life...
yes. You got it, I see.
I don't think my child would be very tasty.
once they're past the toddler stage, I imagine they'd be a bit tough.
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