Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A better day

Well, what an interesting day.

This just in from the Pont. Council for SocCom:


Dear Blogger,

As you should be aware, you have been selected to attend the Vatican Meeting with Bloggers on Monday 2 May 2011.

Please come to the Palazzo Pio X entrance on via dell’ospedale, which is off via della Conciliazione, 5, at 3.30pm.

This invitation is strictly personal and you are asked to bring some form of Proof of Identity.

We remind you that as the event has been timed to coincide with the Beatification of John Paul II, we are not supplying assistance with travel, lodging or visa costs or logistics.

We are greatly encouraged by the warm response to this event
and the various parallel initiatives, including the creation of other meetings and groups, [HAW!!] a facebook page, a wikispaces, twitter, and the live feeds being set up for the meeting.

Please see for the programme and any further details that may emerge.

If you are unable to come in person, it would be useful if you were to let us know.

If you are coming, we look forward to meeting you.

Yours, in the joy of the Risen Lord,

Richard Rouse

AND I got a call today, after a small amount of wrangling and only one fairly controlled attack of Brain, from Professore Scambia's office. I am to go for a consultation on Saturday. YAY!!

AND I am a new convert.

You know how I'm all, 'oh all that alternative medicine stuff is just hippie, New Age rubbish'? And remember how I said I hurt my back and have been walking like a penguin for nearly two months now?

Well, went to see the GP today, who does accupuncture and complained about my back being all owie, and he did the accupuncture and some exercisy, stretchy things and

Voy-LAH! Back pain all gone. Walking like a normal person.

Holy cow! It's like those Chinese people had spent some of that three thousand years doing something other than inventing chess and writing and gunpowder. Amazing!

So, now I go home. Maybe sleep for 13 hours again.


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