Monday, March 30, 2009

"Let's dialogue"

Trust a French Bishop...

With 60 sodomites outside the church on Sunday chanting "denounce the irresponsibility of Pope Benedict XVI regarding AIDS."

Philippe Cardinal Barbarin tries to, I suppose, some way.
"There is a painful lack of understanding" complained Cardinal Barbarin. "The issue of condoms is a taboo subject and we must create conditions for a dialogue in mutual respect.” He continued, "We must listen to all of the cries because they come from the heart, but that does not create the conditions for dialogue."

"After the Mass, His Eminence invited a delegation of seven protestors to the archdiocese for a 'respectful dialogue', 'in a cordial and relaxed atmosphere'.

I put on my skeptical face...

H/T to Rorate Coeli

1 comment:

BillyHW said...

I think Cardinals who "dialogue in mutual respect" should have to wear pink or yellow--red is unbecoming on them (and frankly a big, historical joke when you think about it).