Monday, February 21, 2011

Fundamentally unsound

Islamic person suddenly goes insane, grabs big knife and starts randomly attacking people and cars on the road.

I think I'm not the only one to point it out, but this is what happens when you try to believe logically contradictory things.

This is why I think most Islamic people are insane. Or go insane eventually, once they are taken out of the "Islamic world" where efforts are made to paper over the cracks in their universe. They come to the countries that were founded on The Real, where effect is assumed to follow cause (for example). The contrast becomes acute and they start realising that they believe things that make no sense, and go nuts.

Think I'm making it up or being facetious?

Ever read Nietzsche

As Jeeves once warned his beloved employer, "You would not enjoy Nietzsche sir. He is fundamentally unsound."



Kerry said...

Mohammed (damnation be upon him) told him to do it

Anonymous said...

My knowledge of Norwegian is pretty much nil, but I gather that the title of the article to which you linked reads, "Women in burka amok with knife." Scary mental image there.

I think there is definitely some truth to the idea you propose. In my own youth, I very nearly lost my mind subscribing to all sorts of unsound, yet highly fashionable, beliefs.