In fact, if I really wanted to set myself up as a Mad Scientist, it certainly would be easy with enough money.
You can order the entire Frankenstein Kit online.
And they deliver!
Not sure where I'm going to get a Ruhmkoroff Induction coil, Jacob's Ladder and Line Transformer to boost my electrical output, and make awesome sparks. And of course, I'm going to need a steady supply of glassware and human organs in jars of formaldehyde.
But I see there's places where you can learn to build your own Tesla coil, so that's that taken care of.
Apparently the best university to take courses to become an Evil Genius is Cambridge, so get studying.
Isn't the internet great?!
(But if you are looking for role models, please don't become this guy.
In fact, don't even read about him. I read that the other night and had to spend a couple of hours afterwards watching kitten videos and I had nightmares anyway.
Be this guy, instead.)
When I was little boy, seems like every Christmas I'd get a new science kit. One year it would be a biology kit, complete with a real dead frog in a little vial of formaldehyde and microscope that I'd use to look at fly wings. Another year it was geology. That came with a rock mallet I'd use to whack the stones in the driveway and pretend I'd uncovered rubies or dinosaur bones.
The very best though was the chemistry kit. It came with a collection of unpronounceable powders that I could mix in a tube and heat over a candle. I loved it when they bubbled up and spilled on the table, permanently staining the top a color not found in nature.
You bet my mother loved it, too.
Oh, I remember my rock phase. It was great. I was given a geologist's hammer and a bunch of field guides and went around whacking every interesting rock I could find on the beach.
Many years later, I met a prospecting geologist who had a big crush on me and took me on a bunch of field trips. He taught me what to look for in beach rocks to indicate traces of gold. He made his living finding sources of a special mineral used in cleaning up industrial waste, and his off hours combing the beaches in Nova Scotia for Triassic fossils.
It was too bad he was nuts, I would have liked to stay friends with him.
You could always get into DIY biotech:
Tesla was awesome. Anybody who could build an earthquake machine is made of it.
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