Dr. B. thinks she has bone marrow cancer. Her red blood cell count is way down, and her organs are failling.
This would be the explanation for why none of our antibiotic therapies have worked.
He's going to keep her for another night and try some palliative therapies, but that's the final word.
Update to the update:
Walked up to the vet's this afternoon to pick her up. She is very weak and has trouble walking. But Dr. B. has given her a palliative therapy of cortisone and antibiotics and she doesn't seem to be in any pain or distress. She isn't producing enough red blood cells. The tests showed her number is half of what it was two weeks ago. Anaemia is leaving her very weak and her temperature is down, so I've got her favourite big white blankie and she's curled up in it.
She's very still right now. She had a little something to eat and drink when we got home, and she wandered around a bit as though reasserting her home rights. She sat in my lap for quite a while, and rested her head on my arm, very quiet and still. Dr. B. said that he doesn't think she will last very much longer. The cortisone treatment may slow the advance of her symptoms, but I think we both expect her not to last more than a couple of weeks.
I think I'm OK with this now. She's had a good long life with me, and I know that, medically, there wasn't anything I could have done. I missed her terribly when she was in hospital, and I knew that it was going to be very, very difficult to adjust to her not being there any more.
He gave me some more of the same stuff and we walked home. She's back in her spot on the chair again now, and I have to admit that it is a relief to have her home. What a strange feeling it was to be so used to her presence and have her suddenly not there. Every time I was in the kitchen I expected her to come in and bug me for something to eat. Whenever I sat in the living room, I kept looking up expecting her to be on her cushion.
The other day a friend suggested that I go ahead with my trip to England, which was to start on Monday, and the vet can cover her last days, to spare myself the pain of watching her go. But I just can't carry that. The world has become a horrible place mainly out of people indulging their desire to do anything to avoid suffering. I can't go there.
Dr. B. did, however, say that there is a spare cat ready for me as soon as I'm ready. He mentioned that perhaps it would be indelicate to talk to Winnie about the new cat, though. He's been great about this too. He said, "If anything happens, if she goes up, or down, call me. If you wake up one morning and she's died, call me. I want to know."
As I was carrying her home I said, "You're a world-famous cat. People from all over have sent us nice notes."
Thanks, everybody.
I'm so sorry, Hilary.
I'm very sorry to hear it.
We've had cats for nearly 40 years now, but their deaths never become more tolerable, despite the knowledge of their short lives and eventual mortality. It's inevitable and horrible. You're in my thoughts and prayers, and (I'm sure) those of all readers of your blog.
So sorry Hilary. Xx
So sorry. We lost our old ginger tom the other week, whom my daughter had known since before she could say, "cat". It's a miserable business.
Awful news. So sorry for you.
I'm sorry. It's never easy.
I'm so sorry Hilary. Prayers for you.
I'm sorry, Hilary. It's so hard to say goodbye to a pet. You're in our prayers.
I am very sorry to hear this bad news, Hilary. My prayers are with you and Winnie.
I'm very sorry Hilary. May her last days be peaceful.
Ah, Hilary, I'm so sorry to read that. Those little critters really get under the skin, don't they. And leave such an empty space when they go. I wish I had the magic words to make it better.
Boy Hilary, I know the pain...I remember all of my cats and I still love 'em...and I'm grateful for the ones I have now...I know more are to come too. What a funny relationship we have...enjoy her and make her happy as much as you can while she's still here.
She is indeed! : 'a world famous cat' .. and I love her too, you write so beautifully, so touchingly, it brings a tear to my eyes. Thinking of you and praying. Such sweet parting.
God Bless.
I'm so sorry. She sounds as if she's very calm and not in pain. I will ask St. Francis and St. Martin of Porres to ensure a peaceful, painless time for little Winnie. Thank you for sharing with us; it brought back good memories of my own beloved cat, Pickwick.
So sorry Hilary.
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