Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Classical painting techniques

Some time ago, I fell madly in love with the Dutch still life genre. I went to the National Gallery in Washington and was mesmerized by them. I wondered if anyone is doing anything like that. Turns out yes.

I have come to the conclusion that the quality of a painter can be judged most easily by his still lifes. If you can paint an onion and make it interesting, you can do anything. But if your paintings are only interesting because of the subject matter, you're cheating the viewer.

My current drawing project, which I expect to take much longer than any of the previous ones, is a still life. Simple: I draped a chair with a white cloth and placed a silver teapot on the cloth. I expect it to be very difficult, but once I've got the knack of doing things from life, the sky's the limit.



Home on the Range said...

I could paint that. I do some oil and water color. Well enough for the occassional gift to a family member who will put them up to be polite, but I love the whole process of it, even if I have no real talent.

To be where you are and see it all around you.

Zach said...

I've always loved the Dutch still lifes, but I never knew why.
