Who am I to argue?

You can tell one thing for absolute suresies: I was taught properly how to draw, but really, really, super-duper NOT taught how to use watercolours.

The only painting instruction I ever had was in oils, so I instinctively try to do oils things with the paint, which mostly just doesn't work.
It's also very clear that a photo does not give the same information as your eye. This pic is actually quite different from what I'm looking at now. And of course, when the paint and paper have dried it will look even more different.

I think I've basically got the colours more or less matched. Cad yellow, burnt sienna, highlighted with a little bit of lemon yellow, greened up a little with a teeny dab of ultramarine (gouache) and the darker shadows in a bit of payne's grey.
But my watercolour technique is pretty much non-existent and it's hard to remember that you actually do a lot of things backwards with watercolours. You take paint off to make a highlight, instead of putting paint on top, for instance.
Well, for a first go I guess it's better than I was expecting. Now I let it dry completely and see if I can do some correcting. It's also funny how you can suddenly see things with a photo that you didn't notice just looking at it.
One of the things to learn: use the right kind of paper. This is just a page out of my sketchbook and it really would help not to be fighting the big puckers.
Now to walk away and come back later with a fresh eye.
Quite a nice watercolor for someone who says she doesn't know what to do...........yes, Hilary, paper is the most important aspect of doing good water colors....especially caran d'aches cold pressed.!!
You are very talented.God Bless!!
The supply of electricity was privatised in Australia in the 90s and we pay the highest prices in the world. The claim that 'competition' between suppliers would lower prices was a complete furphy.
Lovely painting, by the way.
Well, Googling has shown me that my information is out of date. Italy is now merely the third highest in Europe.
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