Clearly the time for division is over and we all need to take a step back from these arguments over the details. We really need to learn to find common ground, and reach out to each other.
The time for picking doctrine apart and obsessing over the minutiae of this or that teaching has run aground. We can't always be taking such an adversarial position against the world. We need to show the world a more open, forgiving and loving face. Learn from each other, and create a space where we can meet in peace and encounter Christ in each other and in the world.
Learn to sing together...
That's not funny.
It's not just funny, it's HILARIous. Great stuff. Much needed in these difficult times.
How is it Miss White that you manage to give such perfect expression to the thoughts of the hearts of sooo many of us? Now is the time for the change that we've waited for all these last decades.
This is the reason I read your blog.
Are you finally going to follow the call to ordained ministry? We'll sing that new church into being together!
For a second there, you scared me.
har har - Karen
You forgot "Be not afraid"
It's Kindergarten Catholicism all over again.
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