Friday, March 15, 2019

First fruits

Well, first flower heads, at any rate.

Cut the first Romanesco broccoli of the season last night and had it for dinner. A bit early, so the flavour was not so well developed, but still very nice and full of goodness.

And there's nothing like the feeling one gets from going out to the garden with a pair of kitchen scissors to get something to eat.

Put them in a bit late this year, not 'til December, so they're not really ready yet. Last year I did a mix of winter brassicas planted as seedlings in September, and they were ready in March and April. Everything except the red cabbage did very well, and I've still got a little bit of cauliflower in the freezer. But this year I just did the Romanesco, which is pretty much my favourite veg ever, and isn't always available in the local shops, even in season. So I just wanted a big bunch of it.

Brassicas really are superfoods, every kind is good for you. Eat the leaves too. Just cut off the big ones on the outside and discard (compost) the whitish cores which are very stringy. The green parts are absolutely jammed with nutrients. Broccoli has one of the highest vitamin C ratings of any of our cultivars.


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