Sunday, September 10, 2017


Ok, it's raining.

Good work, guys.



Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's a downside. When we offered Masses for an end to the drought in our city/region and protections from any further conflagrations (back-to-back devastating fires during two consecutive summers), the rain started, and came, and came, and came...with the unintended result that unstable soil split under a number of homes around the city, including that of a friend of mine. Didn't St. Teresa say something to the effect of be careful what you pray for?

On the other hand, we have continued to receive adequate-to-abundant rain through the intervening years. This summer the city looked like Ireland, while fires raged all over the West.

Hilary Jane Margaret White said...

Yes, by the end of the day yesterday there had been flooding across the country, and 6 deaths in Livorno. It wasn't as bad here, but it was like a wall of water coming down.

Anonymous said...

this is a test only