here for description of the Trivium and Quadrivium - the Classical and Medieval Education
Can you outline the steps in scientific method?
Do you know Aristotle's definition of a verb?
Do you know how John Milton used logical obversion to characterize Satan in Paradise Lost?
When's the last time you saw the square of opposition or the Tree of Porphyry?
No idea?!! Never?!!!
Well, obviously YOU did not receive a proper education!
Ever wonder how Thomas got so smart? Pondered how come C.S. Lewis managed to avoid getting hornswoggled by the post-modern rubbish that was already swirling around the academy in his time? Can't figure out how Newman, Fabre, Knox, Dawson, not to mention Augustine could just think circles around everyone in our time?
Well, here's how YOU can boost your brainpower a hundredfold! Yes, boys and girls, get the jump on your classmates! Pull ahead of your slug-brained Dewey-educated colleagues!
Get Medieval on their butts! and YOU TOO will be able to:
- illustrate the consequence of incorrectly converting a hypothetical proposition!
- know the Latin mnemonic that enumerates the valid moods of the four figures of the syllogism!
- explain the retained object in passive voice!
- read Thomas H. Huxley's quintuple enthymeme in defense of liberal education!
Yes! Become the Charles Atlas of the Classics and Philsophy Departments, and kick sand in their little Girlyman Ivy League and Jesuit faces!
Let Sister Miriam Joseph develop your brain and make a MAN of YOU!!
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