Starting to feel the outside edges of panic, slowly getting closer...
That's three jiggles on the line in one day. The Roommate Fairy seems to have woken up from her nap.
Update again... that's four jiggles. Roommate Fairy must be feeling much better...
Comming from a lifelong chronic worrier (working hard on improving)
Pray hard....and have Faith.
I'll keep you in my prayers and I'm sure many other faithful blog fans will too.
I don't need prayers. I need cash.
I understand...spent a good deal of my life trying to make ends meet, battling depression, living from crisis to crisis.
Believe me, if knew a someone suitable or if I had cash I would send. I'm doing the only thing I can to try to help.
Sorry if I just upset or frustrated you
I was just talking with a friend about Santa Marinella and possibly living there! Will you please e-mail me at I would like more information. Thanks!
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