
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why can't a man be more like a woman?

Just had a discussion with a friend about men. She's been dropped by one (for the third time, apparently).

She observes:

"The only thing I know about the humans is that men are sort of like girls".

Yep. Pretty much.



  1. OMG~!
    I could tell you stories...
    well, I won't.
    But just let me say this...
    most men today are "girlie boys"...or very immature little boys who need some guidance and good kick in the a**.
    Just sayin':-)!

  2. Anonymous10:27 pm

    tell your friend that while men are sort of like girls, women can often be sort of like 18th century chinese algebra - largely impossible to understand...

    ...just sayin'.

  3. D Cummings McLean11:45 pm

    Actually, the thing is about men is that they are NOT like girls and so they do not follow our girl rules, which can be aggravating yet strangely attractive.

  4. My little niece loves playing dolls tea parties with her friends.

    The boys are playing at conquering the world, space, or whatever.

    I question the similarities.

  5. Anonymous3:02 am

    great, thats all we need, more male-bashing and from a priest no less. nice.

  6. Hey men.

    Grow up. Put your toys away and marry the girl.

    For Christ's sake.

    And I mean that literally.

  7. Your friend has been dropped, apparently three times, and she thinks "that men are sort of like girls". Perhaps she has trouble recognizing "men"?

  8. Anonymous11:22 pm

    Men? How about those Chilean miners? In spite of all attempts by media types to turn them into physical and psychological weaklings (Alan Alda, e.g.), they turn out robust and manly and standing on their own two feet. They are images of what used to be and a model for what should be. And they still prayed without apology.


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