Monday, March 03, 2008

Flowers in the Springtime

Snow in Toronto

This week, (I swear!) I'm going to charge up my camera batteries and take some pics of the spring here. I've been buying daffs from the greengrocer across the road but there seems little point in paying for them. They line the lanes here.

It reminds me so much of my happy childhood. Every year, like all my fellow Victorians, I went out in the last week of February and counted flowers and phoned in the results to the radio booth set up for the purpose in the corner window of Eaton's on Douglas St.

Flower count - smell 'em and weep, Toronto, Jack Knox says
Victoria Times Colonist
Published: Sunday, March 02, 2008

Today is the last day of the Victoria Flower Count - or, as it is less formally known, the 32nd Annual Festival Of Bite Me, Toronto.

Dunno what the total number of blooms is this year. Three billion. Eight trillion. I'm pretty sure the counting is done by Enron.

Whatever. The point isn't that we have umptillion flowers, but that we have any at all - something that Tourism Victoria emphasizes by sending bouquets of daffodils to media outlets across Canada and the northern U.S.

*Flower Count 2008 Final Total* 2008:

Congratulations to Saanich, the Banana Belt winner with 993,497,844 flowers counted in 2008.

Flowers Counted in 2007

Record Breaking Year of 2002

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