
Tuesday, June 07, 2016

How to get a seal out of your monastery

Just what it says.



  1. Haven't they ever heard the joke? The way to get rid of it is to baptize it. Then you only see it on Christmas and Easter.

  2. Baptizing the seal won't work. It may stick around for about 12 years. Confirming the seal, however...

  3. Eugene1:36 pm

    Bill and Han thank you for my morning laugh...God bless

  4. Hi Hilary. Regarding your essay at onepeter5, are you familiar with the Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus?

    I believe they have a house in Florence. I know many people are hoping they follow through with opening their house in St Louis, MO, but that remains to be seen.

    At any rate, thank you for your excellent post. It certainly applies to Gen-X Catholic men as well.

  5. Anonymous5:55 pm

    Hilary, I read your recent post about late and lost vocations. I don't have email, so I am responding here. With much inside information, I can only say that your observations are basically right on. There are, however, some (a few) very orthodox and charitable religious communities around. But you have to look hard and be very perceptive. There is one in Mobile, Alabama—the Visitation Nuns who are truly faithful spouses of Christ. No community is perfect and living with other human beings of various backgrounds can be challenging. However, here the superior and novice mistress are solidly orthodox. The community is growing and does accept older vocations. Just a suggestion for all those out there who are looking for authentic religious life.

  6. Anonymous4:29 pm

    Hi Hilary,

    Thank you for the movie, "Never Take No for an Answer" on your What's Up With Francis Church blog.
    What a beautiful little saint!



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