
Friday, October 16, 2015

Steve Skojec podcasts me drinking

Yes, you can actually hear the booze (homemade elderflower champagne) sloshing into the glass.

It's not about the Synod.

It's about living in Norcia and having cancer in a foreign country.



  1. Thanks for a very interesting interview. You are most fortunate in being able to do what you do in the way that you do it--as the song goes. Many blessing to you and keep the good work of delivering timely messages about the war of good and evil going on especially in the Catholic Church. Now, if there ever was, is a time for prayer and penance as I'm sure you do every day.

  2. Thank you for being so personal in the interview. I could hear in your voice the hesitation you naturally felt in speaking about your conversion and entry into Benedictine life. John Senior is watching you from somewhere good, and cheering you on.

    You were there for me too, sent by my Guardian Angel, no doubt, to reinforce the call I've been avoiding for 15 years now. As you put it, all the good stuff is in the intellect and will. For many years I've been 'all hat, no cattle' as Ann would put it…I've got the hat, the guns, the jeans, the boots and spurs, and the horse (the intellect). Time to get me some cattle and RANCH! (the will).

    Clear Creek is my home away from home as visits there are do-able, but when I spent a few days in Norcia last April my heart ached to stay there. When Father Cassian gave me his blessing, and gave me 'that look' that he has, I knew the Benedict Option was now.

    Good luck to you, Hilary and remember me (in the Sodom of Southern Ontario) in your prayers and I will do the same for you.

  3. Really enjoyed the interview. I hope all goes well in the coming years. We used to live in Liverpool and have a good idea I might know the the trad family you mentioned in Tattenhall. As somebody who spent from 16 to 26 trying to find my vocation in life (ex trappist/carthusian)I feel for you!

  4. Anonymous9:36 pm

    Hilary Jane Margaret White,

    You give me hope for the future of the Faith!
    It was lovely to listen to a woman somewhat younger than myself, who has traveled a similar journey as we have.
    I am an enigma in my extended once Catholic family, aside from those who live under this same roof.
    But how refreshing to listen to a like minded soul outside our little abode when friends whom you once connected to are leaving this earth.
    Indeed we are now living here like the Japanese once did.
    God Bless, the other Marie


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