
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Dr. Shaw asks, "Where do we go from here?"

Cue catchy Buffy song which will now play relentlessly in my head until at least bed time.

What we have seen this fortnight is, nevertheless, quite scary. We have witnessed the operation, exposure, and defeat, of a ruthless attempt to manipulate the synod and, through the synod, the whole Church. There is no reason to imagine the threat this represented is going to go away.



  1. BillyHW8:41 pm

    Is it time to pray for lightning bolts in Rome to hit their proper targets?

  2. As if there isn't enough to read about this blasted synod, Have you seen John Smirk's latest column? I haven't seen it laid out this clearly before, but it's hard to refute his logic. Invalidate marriage, and you invalidate Papal Infallibility. Do that, and there goes the Church. The only sensible option in that situation is the Orthodox. Of course it's probably all hypothetical because Christ did say something or other about the gates of Hell not prevailing. But it's bizarre that so many people don't realize the implications of what they're asking.

  3. Forgot the link:


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