
Friday, January 25, 2013

Let it out, sweetie !

Latest comments from my thing Abortion and the Will to Power

I loved LOVED LOved this piece until the writer subtly criticized our Pope Paul VI. As a vicar of Christ on earth, he is to be respected and revered and loved; I believe strongly that our one duty is to PRAY for him but NEVER NEVER NEVER to criticize him, even in a subtle manner. I stopped reading there and have absolutely no interest in reading any more of her writings. I feel like weeping for hours over this.

You're so right.


Ever, ever





  1. BillyHW2:10 am

    Women shouldn't vote.

  2. That was a terrific article.
    I am not surprised by what the left actually believes under their guise of "Free Choice."
    It is evil.

    I know many a Catholics who have a preference to one pope over another. Why not say you like this about a particular pope and not this? Oh brother!

    I'd love to read her take on the "respected and revered" Pope Callistus III and Pope Alexander VI?

  3. What the. . . ? She goes on a crying jag over the phrase "not my favorite pope"? That's it? It was the only criticism I found. Maybe there was more and it was too subtle for me.

    Let's hope the poor soul is never around when I'm muttering about PPVI's episcopal appointments. Or what he did to Cardinal Mindszenty. Or to the liturgy. She might do herself a mischief.

  4. Anonymous12:21 pm

    It's exactly people like this who will end up following the Anti-Christ.


  5. Anonymous1:28 pm

    OK, so since you brought it up, Who is your favorite Pope?
    -Greg Williams

  6. Where, and in what catechism does it say we can't criticize the pope? St. Paul did and we read his letters at every legitimate Mass.

  7. I had to look him up - but I thought so.
    The one doomed to the Hell by Dante. LOL!

  8. The author of Unam Sanctam.

    Look that up.

  9. I only heard of him because of Dante.
    Interesting- I do not know much of this document. Something to read through with my kids. Thanks!

  10. Jonathan4:22 pm

    My my, I needed a laugh. Thanks for this.

  11. Gregory12:27 am



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