
Thursday, January 24, 2013


I freely admit to being a lousy Catholic. I know all the stuff, but it just sort of sits all the time on the surface while all The Bad bubbles away underneath. Can't help it.

And why? Well, as cliched as it sounds, it's the Dad thing. I got Dad-issues; who doesn't? Sue me.

It's probably why I got so obsessed with Fringe and the Walter/Peter thing.



  1. Anonymous2:45 pm

    Another off-topic post RE: LifeSite. Your essay on the Will to Power is one of the best pieces of writing I've read in a decade. The content is right on, but there are so many sentences that are the work of a "20th level" wordsmith.
    -Greg Williams

  2. Thanks.

    But, and you'll forgive my skepticism...

    what qualifications do you have to make such a judgment?

  3. Anonymous6:48 pm

    I have no such qualifications. I'm not at all published.

    I was just calling you a 20th level wordsmith, which I meant as a compliment. I am not aware of any negative connotations that the term 'wordsmith' has.


  4. Rule 46 for O's P. Commboxers:

    Learn the signs for when your leg is being pulled.


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