
Monday, November 19, 2012

A nice man

I've written before on the subject of "nice evil". I can't take credit for the expression, which I think I remember having picked up from Peter Kreeft. But just today I've been writing a bit again about our old friend Peter Singer and the odd effect he seems to have on the academic mind and it came to mind again.

Here is Dr. Charles Camosy, a "theologian" from Fordham University, describing himself as a "pro-life Christian ethicist" who met for a vegan lunch with Singer:
"I have come to like Peter Singer...I have found Singer to be friendly and compassionate. He is willing to listen to an argument from almost anyone, and is unburdened by any sort of academic pretension is so doing. He is motivated by an admirable desire to respond to the suffering of human and non-human animals, and an equally admirable willingness to logically follow his arguments wherever they lead."

Do modern theologians ever read real theology? Have any of them ever run across the notion that evil is most successful when disguising itself as good?

The Bible mentions it a few times, if I'm not mistaken...



  1. Anonymous12:09 am

    Modern theologians, just like most modern Christians, and the Church itself, have been drinking from the well of worldliness for far too long. Most modern 'theology' isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Give me the old saints any day. It's the only stuff worth reading, besides the Scriptures.


  2. Anonymous2:25 am

    Ted Bundy was charming - and killed several dozen women.

    No "nice" person advocates for infanticide. No sane person cares more about the well-being of a chicken than of a disabled human.


  3. "...ever read real theology?" The great moral philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre answered this when he acidly observed in 1979, in an article about medical ethics, that most Roman Catholic theologians are narcissists, passionately interested in talking to and about one another, but having no interest in talking to or about God, the Bible, etc.

  4. My husband always tells his students who go on to university that you need to be careful when it comes to studying under or reading something from a modern theologian.
    He says that you need to have a strong professor who can say yes to part of this theologian words and no to another part.

    The two theologians he constantly uses as examples are Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Karl Rahner.
    You need to examine much of what they have written and be able to understand why the Church censored them in some instances.
    (FYI - Jesuits)

  5. John L5:20 am

    Do you have a reference for that Macintyre article?

    Hilary, when you talk about nice evil, do you mean Singer or the disgusting 'theologian' who praises him?

  6. Anonymous2:04 am

    A fundy preacher told me once that in theological circles, they go to so many conferences and seminars that they don't know what they believe. Even now as a Catholic his word have been most beneficial.


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