
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Christian woman combats crypto-feminism in the Church

The Woman and the Dragon.

Quite a lot of sound advice in there about how hidden feminism is destroying relations between men and women. Men, please, please, please, stop apologising for being men.



  1. Anonymous4:25 am

    Thank you for linking to my site. Your Catholic (and perhaps Protestant) readers might enjoy reading a little excerpt from an old booklet on marriage written by a Catholic priest, which I found in an box of my grandmother's books. It is quite charming and just as apropos to us today as it was 80 years ago.

    Best wishes,
    Sunshine Mary

  2. Anonymous10:50 pm

    I agree that relations between men and women have been badly damaged by Feminism and that now there seems to be a lot of androgeny: feminine men, masculine women. I also think the Church has been feminised.

    But I'm not convinced that the concepts discussed at that blog are entirely helpful. I dispute a number of things mentioned there and I don't think that mere male dominance is the answer to our current female dominance.

    Hating women is not really the answer.

    I'd say it "needs more work."

    I'd also love to know how a Christian Nymphomaniac would cope with a depressed (and therefore sexually uninterested) husband. Maybe she would get a "Frivorce" (what a great expression!)

  3. BillyHW3:53 am

    I've stopped apologizing for being a man and now there's a few women who won't even talk to me.

  4. I'm not going to start issuing tortured disclaimers about not necessarily agreeing with every word of every page I link to.

    I would say that I assume that people would apply their common sense, but I suppose that it is a rare enough trait to make such assumptions risky...

  5. I've read her blog before and found myself wondering if it's actually written by a man.

  6. Anonymous11:31 pm

    Well, I thought it was interesting enough to comment on and wondered what others thought.

    I must say, Dymphna, that I've never encountered a blog *quite* like that before, nor a Christian woman who speaks/writes that way, so I found much of it pretty confronting, even if I agree with some serious issues she raises.

  7. Anonymous12:29 am

    Fascinating blog- doesn't sound like a man to me, just a woman with a lot of common sense and a strong bullshit detector.

    Her descriptions of feminised Christianity got me wondering how many women might there be stuck in churches like that who know of nothing better but who would leave in a flash if they did. Growing up in Novus Ordo Land, every fibre of my being grated against the femi-nazi version of Christianity that was dished out but I spent years beating myself up for how I instinctively felt: I wasn't loving enough, I wasn't Christian enough, mea culpa, mea culpa...

    Having being liberated from the NuChurch, I now realise how foul and insidious it all was.


  8. Anonymous3:57 am


    dead giveaway? It's not just the unfeminine lack of reticence about the marital bed. *She never talks about her kids.* She goes to the dentist, she goes running, she has all these marital adventures - and no childcare has to be arranged, no one is ever interrupting her. It is to laugh.

    Laura Wood/thinkinghousewife is almost certainly Lawrence Auster, also. You, Miss White, are obviously a woman, because you are so credulous. - Karen

  9. Anonymous8:20 am

    It's not just the unfeminine lack of reticence about the marital bed.

    Oh thankyou, I was beginning to wonder if there were something wrong with me.

    *She never talks about her kids.* She goes to the dentist, she goes running, she has all these marital adventures - and no childcare has to be arranged, no one is ever interrupting her. It is to laugh.

    Thankyou again.

  10. Anonymous8:24 am

    Fascinating blog- doesn't sound like a man to me, just a woman with a lot of common sense and a strong bullshit detector.

    I dunno. I've never heard a woman talk quite so much (or at all, really) about bl*w j*bs.

    I did love the "frivorce" thing though - classic.

  11. Anonymous9:35 am

    I didn't really pay that much attention to those parts of the site but you're right women don't really talk about those things (not the sort I hang around with anyway). The link to the site on anal sex was also off-putting but I just ignored it. Yes, those aspects point to the possibility that the blogger is a male. Perhaps I'm a bit naive..!


  12. Thank you, Karen. You just explained what's given me the creeps about Womanandthedragon. She talks about her sex life like a man and she doesn't sound like the primary caretaker of her kids. "She" sounds like a man who knows his wife or the nanny has the kids while he's out.

  13. Anonymous6:01 pm

    What married man with children who can afford a nanny has time to write that? - Karen

  14. Hah! thank you, Karen.

  15. And about the references to certain practices, check out Kathy Shaidle some time. And she is definitely a woman, also with a finely calibrated BS detector.

  16. Anonymous8:00 pm

    I love Kathy Shaidle. Kathy Shaidle is a journalist. She isn't setting up to instruct Christian women in what is suitable for holy matrimony.- Karen

  17. Anonymous8:03 pm

    And you know, thinking about it? I can't remember a single reference, out of all her bawdy writing, to what she and her husband personally do. It's normal for a married woman to be vulgar - I do it all the time, ask my friends. It's not normal to talk about *your own* marriage bed. - Karen

  18. Catherine8:15 pm

    Yeah, this is the same "woman" who once expressed disbelief in the comments section that non-age-related infertility exists, because evolution would have weeded out the genes for it.

    I'd put that in the "evidence that she's probably a man" column because there's no way a non-single woman her age couldn't have at least accidentally run into infertility in young couples. Men on the other hand don't talk so much about infertility amongst themselves (in my experience anyway) so it could possibly explain the ignorance. Possibly. I'm reaching here.

  19. Anonymous11:48 pm

    Ah, for the days when men were men, women were women, and female impersonators were entertaining. - Karen

  20. Anonymous3:11 am

    It's normal for a married woman to be vulgar - I do it all the time, ask my friends. It's not normal to talk about *your own* marriage bed.
    Ah, for the days when men were men, women were women, and female impersonators were entertaining.

    I love you, Karen, and want to have your babies.

  21. Anonymous5:35 pm

    Excuse me, I rarely talk about my (many) children on my blog because a commenter on another blog made a violent comment about my children. My husband requested that I no longer discuss our children on my blog out of concern for their safety.

    I find it quite interesting that some women apparently find it hard to believe that a woman will criticize women's behavior. Try reading this:

    Does God call us to play on Team Woman? You know that He does not.

  22. Anonymous6:35 pm

    Whatever you say, honey, and I'm a magical unicorn with wings.

    Try reading something that doesn't come from the news sometime:

    "The studious of pleasure render them immodest and whorish."

    - Karen

  23. No dude, we don't find that hard to believe. Criticizing other women happens all over the place. You speak and act like a (single, never married) man, and seem unaware of basic facts of life that someone born with ladyparts would have picked up if only by osmosis. You claim to have "many" children that you never mention or attend to between your hours of writing and reading blogs like this one. You claim to be an obedient Catholic wife while posting more details about your private, personal sex life than a call-girl confessional blog. You seem to have no inkling about what actually goes on in a woman's life (you mention running miles every day to please your husband, but not shaving your legs or doing your hair? That's not what hot women do, that's what men think hot women do). Your language and demeanor would be surprising for a 21-year-old nymphomaniac stripper; for a 40-something Christian wife, it’s plain unbelievable. You come off like a male fantasy figure.

  24. Anonymous3:52 am

    Dear Karen, Lydia and the like,

    Thanks for proving the point of her blog.

  25. Anonymous12:40 am

    It was/is a dude. I revealed it with a single comment.

    --M. Everington

  26. Anonymous5:59 am



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