
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Starting to forget

Ray Comfort who made this video said that one of the things he had to overcome in doing these interviews was his own shock and disgust that these people knew nothing about the history of Nazism and the War. He said that at first his involuntary reaction showed and it would put people off so much that they wouldn't talk to him any further. He learned to school his expression and to expect the level of ignorance he hadn't been prepared for.

As for the apologetics aspect of it, it's fine, but somewhat unrefined. The people he's talking to evidently have no intellectual capacity at all, and so their ideas are easy to refute and their minds are easy to change. But I wonder how fast they can be convinced right back again when confronted with the usual abortionism/feminist slogans.

I was taught pro-life apologetics by Scott Klusendorf and he has a much more rigorous approach that can be applied to people who are capable of rational thought. I don't fault Ray Comfort for his efforts, but I think he'd be in trouble with his somewhat sketchy method if he were up against someone of more substance.



  1. I had my kids watch this after I had watched it.
    They were surprised to see how ignorant these older folks were about WWII.
    So they were not surprised that many didn't think it through about abortion until someone had to spell it out for them. They were shocked that some people would still think it OK to kill or just not get involved even if they knew it was wrong.

  2. I linked to your post today, hope that's okay. (new to blogging, blindly fumbling through any etiquette that I may be flubbing) wheeeee! Anyway, I'm a fan.

  3. Anonymous6:31 am

    So what if another one of your beloved priests rapes yet another teenage child and they become pregnant. Are they allowed to have an abortion. Let's hear an answer.


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