
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Give 'em the old one-two

"I saw Santa punching Arius..."
"'Tis the season to be cranky, fa la la la la, la la la laaaaa..."

Jolly Old St. Nicholas — oh yes, he was a bishop — wasn’t having any of it. He tried to listen patiently, he really did, but Arius’ speech was just so wrong, that he was compelled to get up in the midst of it and, yep, punch him in the face.

Arius would have made the nativity a non-event (woop-de-freakin-doo everyone, God made something else). He, majestically prefiguring the various sects of Happy-Holiday-ers, Winter Solstice-ers, and it’s-actually-a-pagan-holiday-ers (that’s the point, you muppets!) denied that Christmas need be a celebration of substance at all. So when the modern world promotes the consumerist image of Santa Claus over the image of Christ, it is not so much the wrath of Christ they should fear as it is the wrath of Santa Claus.

A little late in the season for this, but it is fun to be reminded that I and my friends are not the only cranky Catholics in the history of the Church to lose our patience with idiotic liberal sophistry.

So, sing along with us...
"He sees when you’re dissenting
he knows when you’ve blasphemed
he knows your schismatic doctrines
and so he’s gonna punch your face
Oh, you better not doubt
You better not divide
You better not bring scandal to the Holy Roman Catholic Church
I’m telling you why
Saaaanta Claus is smacking you down,”

Happy Second Sunday after Epiphany, everyone.



  1. BillyHW7:37 pm

    Love it.

  2. That is absolutely my favorite St. Nicholas story. I think it should be broadcast far and wide that St. Nicholas is no fan of heresy, schism, or playing around with the doctrines of the faith.

  3. I am copying this into my WORD documents - so I can pull this up and sing this on Dec 6 to the family! Smack down by Santa Clause! LOVE it!
    We've had a guest homilist in the past that I felt like doing that too. Just thinking of that makes me have to go to confession.
    (Pepper and Dark)

  4. Anonymous11:35 pm

    Unfortunately, St Nicholas is not as widely revered in the West as he is in the East. Most Catholics don't pay that much attention to him, but he is very important to the Orthodox. My husband and I chant a lovely troparion and kontakion to St Nicholas every morning on our way to work.


  5. PiusLad10:05 am

    Second Sunday of Ordinary Time, you mean, surely.

  6. Obviously you don't read this blog very often, and don't call her Shirley.

  7. (Pssst... Seraphic, Pius is someone we know well...tallish, Americanish...)

  8. Anonymous1:19 am

    I love St Nick - I'll have to write some appropriate Santa songs for next Christmas


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