
Friday, January 21, 2011


The other day I discovered the website called "Etsy". There's lots of stuff on it, most of which leaves me more or less going, "meh".

But this!

I have GOT to, got to get me one of these!

My life will be complete if I can only get me a Wall Tentacle.



  1. Barbara9:04 am

    Definetly weird and a threat for sleep walkers. Can you imagine walking into one of these at night? YUK

    Nice coincidence: you putting this on your blog right when Germany unvails a memorial statue to its (now defunct) prescient octopus...

  2. Cautiousone2:55 pm

    Don't get it! It's a trap!

  3. OK, Cautious, you made me actually laugh out loud so you don't get deleted for using a pseudonym.

    Also because it is sunny out and I'm drinking prosecco.

    But have a look at the commbox rules as soon as possible and see where you're likely to go wrong...

  4. You can tell people it's from the Great One Cthluhu!


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