Check this out:
Check which famous writer you write like with this statistical analysis tool, which analyzes your word choice and writing style and compares them with those of the famous writers.
Any text in English will do: your latest blog post, journal entry, comment, chapter of your unfinished book, etc. For reliable results paste at least a few paragraphs (not tweets).
This piece "Does Richard Dawkins Think He’s Napoleon?" was actually deliberately Swiftian.
I'll try it again later when I'm feeling more Newmanoid.
Well, I tried three pieces of fiction and a couple of editorials and it is not encouraging. Two Dan Brown's, one Steven King, one Mario Puzo and now H.P. Lovecraft for a movie review.
I think I've had enough of this game...
That picture you (or the site) chose of Dicky Dawk makes him look like Emperor Palpatine.
ReplyDeleteI must have an inconsistent style or be a plagiarist. I tested my last two articles for The Remnant Newspaper and found one that said I write like Cory Doctorow (who is that!!!) and the other test said I write like James Joyce. At least he made a living at it.