
Monday, November 09, 2009

So, how's November where you are?

Went swimming in the Med this weekend. (Okay, the "Tyrhennian"...whatever.)

It was pretty cold I guess.

How's November where you are?


  1. November here in Saint Louis is delightful. I am wearing a T-shirt, not due to fashion sense but comfort. The other day was delightfully warm, with brilliantly clear skies, perfect for taking a hike in the Ozarks and enjoying the remnants of Fall color.

  2. It's in the mid 70s here in south-central Texas.

  3. It was about 68 and sunny yesterday in southeast lower Michigan. Stunningly beautiful autumn day, with a few golden leaves still on the nearby maples.

    I even mowed the lawn, presumably for the last time.

  4. Here in Brazil, it is very hot, with some ocasional rain...

  5. Anonymous1:05 am

    Beautiful Spring weather. Warm, but not hot.

  6. Kathleen5:18 am

    Getting Indian Summer in Ottawa. It was 13 C today, but it had been in the single digits and dipping below freezing overnight last week.

  7. Oh dear, but the Aussies and down-under types confuse me. Met a nice guy from South Africa last week and he invited us down for a visit around Christmas, springtime.

    Things are weird in Upsidedownland.

  8. Anonymous1:52 pm

    But just wait a day, after all, it is November.

    Today in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the clouds are thick, and it's 47F.

    The leaves are mostly gone, and at night the lucky ones with real fireplaces fill the night air with their smoke.

    We've had a couple of hard frosts over the past few days, and the fall mums have collapsed.

    Over the next few days the temperature is going to fall into the fifties, and by Thanksgiving (the original, not that phony northern October Novus Ordo version ;^) our highs are supposed to be only in the 30's.

    Time for long nights, fine ales, glowing embers, and fine company. Ahh...

  9. People just love to talk about the weather, don't they?

  10. Hey,

    If it helps at all, it's cold and wet here.

  11. Robert3:37 am

    One of those almost perfect "First Nations" Summers in Halifax. Sunny every day; temperatures between 13 and 16 C. It won't last.


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