
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

"If that don't put a gust in your spinnaker, I don't know what would"

Americans love to make fun of what they think is the "Canadian accent". I have explained many times that there is no such thing, any more than there is such a thing as an "English accent". The reason they think that the accent of Southwestern Ontario is the "Canadian accent" is because they mostly only meet Canadians from Southwestern Ontario.

I dare them, however, to even figure out enough of the Newfie accent to imitate it.

Here's some tips:

Of course, the one big difference between Canadians making fun of American accents and Americans making fun of Canadian accents: we are too polite to do it to your faces. And yes, that whole inability to pronounce short vowels drives me mad. Why can't you people say "God"? Good grief. What does "Gaaaahhhhd" sound like?

1 comment:

  1. "Gaahhhd" I think is mostly a northeastern U.S. thing. I lived there a couple years and picked it up a bit. New Englanders used to make fun of me (from California) for saying "God" with a full round, short "O" sound.

    By the way aren't both the videos you posted from Canada? The Nissan ad has "" at the bottom. (Besides, we don't have a Nissan "X-Trail Bonavista" in the U.S. as far as I know. Ours is called the X-Terra.) So both videos are Canadians making fun of Canadians.

    "the one big difference between Canadians making fun of American accents and Americans making fun of Canadian accents: we are too polite to do it to your faces"

    But you do make fun of Americans making fun of Canadians, don't you? : P


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