Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Verse two just in.

It's the fall of Ancient Rome,
It's the fall of Ancient Rome,
It's the fall of Ancient Rome,
It's the end of the world.

When Alaric comes he will burn your home,
he will steal your gold
and all you own.
He'll wave a big knife
And he'll carry off your wife,
it's the end of the world.

It's the fall of Ancient Rome...

See the Huns march in with the Goths at their backs
The Laocoon hacked to bits with an axe
as the libraries burn,
then the Vandals get a turn,
it's the end of the world...

It's the fall of Ancient Rome...

H/T to Gregory.


Anonymous said...

Dear Hilary

See the Huns marchING in with the Goths at their backs
The Laocoon hacked INto bits with an axe
as the libraries burn,
then the Vandals get a turn,
it's the end of the world...

Scans better,
Optima quaeque tibi

Anonymous said...

No, the extra syllable didn't scan at all.

Plus, it's my song.