
Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Things are probably not going to speed up here for a while. I don't have internet at home and the time I spend in the office is going to be focused very heavily on work, of which I suddenly have a great deal more. It is also a great deal more interesting and involved than ever before, so good for me but bad for the 'blog; sorry.

But I will be putting up pictures fairly regularly, and they should be dillies. Although I've been struck with some kind of dreaded lurgey (and have been so run down that I'm wondering if I should not go see a doctor), I'm having a wonderfully interesting time and my liturgical life has really picked up. The solemn high Mass at Sanctissima Trinita dei Pellegrini for All Souls last night was wonderful, though I was half in a coma for it. JP Sonnen was there taking a video so I expect there will be some nice pics at Orbis Catholicus or NLM. I can't bring myself to take pictures at Mass, so you'll just have to go over there to look. The vestments were worth the plane fare all by themselves.

There's lots on the plate. On Saturday, a friend and I will be visiting the Capitoline museums and having a nice easy wander around and the camera will come too.

So, stay tuned, but keep 'blog expectations low for the moment.

PS: I must be fitting in. I've been given girl-work to do by the parish. When I start work on restoring a cloth-of-silver faldstool cover, I'll put some pics up of it and the vestments that are stashed away in the sacristy. Buried treasure.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:15 pm

    dreaded lurgey

    Sapristi! The Spon plague! Get well soon, ying tong iddle i po.



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