
Friday, April 18, 2008

O Fishy Fishy

Is fish on Friday, or in my case, fish pie with added shrimps, still pentitential if you really like fish?

Never really got how fish could be somehow "worse" than meat. I like both with equal the case of shellfish, slightly more, in fact.

I suppose I could try an outright fast on Fridays instead, but it's just that...well...I get really hungry, and then my brain goes all wobbly and I can't write and my editors get mad at me because my copy is also wobbly and then I come back here and (in the absence of children) have to take it out on you guys...

and nobody wins.


  1. Anonymous7:04 pm

    Vegan Fridays.

  2. Anonymous8:11 pm

    Enjoy. Me, I could eat fish and seafood every day and hardly miss flesh meat at all.

    My wife loved fridays as a kid because she got to eat nalesniki ze smietana, i.e. polish pancakes with sour cream. we do that currentl about once a month at our house; the rest of the time I make veg. pizza on Fridays.

    I don't think there's any one reason why abstaining from meat is what we do on days of abstinence. To avoid a certain kind of luxury; to eat cheaper food; to avoid the physiological effects of eating meat; to give the spirit an exercise in obedience; etc. but being hungry is not a reason as such: that's for fast days :-) Fridays are just abstinence.


  3. Vegan? I'll take the hairshirt made out of fiberglass, thanks.

  4. Anonymous8:35 pm

    Some people are born beautiful. Others are given a taste for fish and seafood. Our God is truly generous with his graces.

  5. Anonymous10:35 pm

    I think if you really wanted to make a sacrifice, try a day of food without any seasoning. Ugh.

    Me? No, I had some kickass sushi and a bit of hummus on honey sesame crackers.

    I can't seem to put bad food in my mouth.

  6. ohhhh...

    I really miss sushi.

    I'd forgotten for a moment.

  7. Anonymous12:08 am

    I miss sushi too. And do you remember the Thai restaurant? Then there was also Indian, Vietnamese, and, at a good pub, fish and chips or a real hamburger. sigh.

    Must count blessings. must count blessings....

  8. I understand that the streams in your region are loaded with fish. If you want sushi, just grab yourself some fishesses and eat them Gollum-style.

    Sorry, that was disgusting.

  9. Anonymous3:29 am

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  10. Sorry, no anonymous posts allowed.

    Also, no neo-pagan blithering allowed.

    I've read Drawing Down the Moon and the Spiral Dance too.


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