
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Not working out as hoped

Well, maybe. But I think the key words in this news item are "may" and "an official".

China, worried about an ageing population, is studying scrapping its controversial one-child policy but will not do away with family-planning policies altogether, a senior official said on Thursday.

With the world's biggest population straining scarce land, water and energy resources, China has enforced rules to restrict family size since the 1970s. Rules vary but usually limit families to one child, or two in the countryside.

"We want incrementally to have this change," Vice Minister of the National Population and Family Planning Commission Zhao Baige told reporters in Beijing.

Something not widely understood about the commies in China is that, in accordance with the ancient traditions of Chinese bureaucracy, the officials are in an alost constant state of war with each other. This tradition was bolstered when the Chinese civil service, formerly trained in a rigorous programme of the Chinese Confusion classics, started learning the works of Marx, Mao and Engels instead. It is always, therefore, a good idea not to get too excited about pronouncements of these kinds.

Still, it kind of puts a damper on the whole Planned Parenthood's "The Fewer the Merrier" philosophy that seems to be the guiding principle of most of our western post-Christian democracies.

If even the Chinese commies have noticed that things are going awry, there's hope for us yet.


  1. Anonymous12:34 am

    "the Chinese civil service, formerly trained in a rigorous programme of the Chinese Confusion classics" ---please tell me this was not a spelling error.

  2. Anonymous3:06 am

    I decline to answer on the grounds that my response may tend to incriminate me.


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