
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

This little piggy...

Man, these people

Need. To. Get. A. Life.

A story based on the Three Little Pigs has been turned down from a government agency's annual awards because the subject matter could offend Muslims.

The digital book, re-telling the classic fairy tale, was rejected by judges who warned that "the use of pigs raises cultural issues".

Becta, the government's educational technology agency, is a leading partner in the annual schools award.

The judges also attacked Three Little Cowboy Builders for offending builders.

The book's creative director, Anne Curtis, said that the idea that including pigs in a story could be interpreted as racism was "like a slap in the face".

Here's a thoughtcrime for you:

Nick Griffin and the BNP are right. They maintain that the problem is not with the Islams, but with their liberal enablers.

Listen, can we come up with some word for the whole leftist politically correct mush-headed establishment other than "liberal"? Because they aren't.


  1. I agree with you. They are not liberals and should not be called such. I call 'em secularists because they are concerned with this world only. I got told off by a commenter for this but I think it is a good label and intend to stick with it for the time being.

    Secularists hate traditional Catholics especially because they believe in the eternal truths - i.e. those truths that speak of a world beyond this saeculum.

  2. "Is it true that all builders are cowboys, builders get their work blown down, and builders are like pigs?"

    Evidently the concept of 'character' is too difficult for these state apparachniks. Or else creativity is now proscribed in favour of realisim.

  3. Anonymous9:27 pm

    I think the term you're looking for is 'fascist'.


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